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Aerial of Marshcroft

A new garden village suburb for Tring

Plans submitted April 2022

  • 1,400 new homes

  • New primary & secondary schools

  • Health services

  • New parklands and meadows

  • Tree planting and orchards

  • Sports facilities

  • Allotments

  • Cycle routes

  • Bus services

  • Electric vehicle charging points

  • SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces)

The planning application

Harrow Estates has submitted a planning application for the Marshcroft garden village suburb, on the eastern side of Tring in Hertfordshire. The Marshcroft site is on land north of Station Road, east of Grove Road and south of Bulbourne Road, next to the Grand Union Canal. It is identified for development within Dacorum Borough Council’s draft Local Plan.

The application proposes 1,400 new homes, of which 45% will be affordable and over 50% of the site is dedicated to green open space, including allotments, community orchard, a canalside park and play areas.

The application for Marshcroft has been informed and guided by the emerging Local Plan allocation Tr03; and meets or exceeds all of the requirements of that emerging allocation and associated policies in the Local Plan.

It is accompanied by an Application Document Summary Guide (Document 3) that guides the reader through the substantial amount of information included in the submission.

The proposals include:

  • 45% of the proposed homes ‘affordable’, providing a significant contribution to help address the lack of affordability in Tring across the community, including first time buyers and younger people. With house prices in Tring rising quickly, the average home by 79% over the last decade, and only 14 affordable dwellings delivered in the town since 2013, there is a pressing need to deliver homes so young people and families are not permanently priced out of the area.
  • The scheme also provides for a range of properties from 1 bedroom to 5 bedroom homes of various building types, including self-build options.
  • These properties will meet the needs of growing families, downsizers and the over 65 population. With Tring’s over 65 population expected to grow by around 31% by 2035, and currently no rental sector Extra Care accommodation in the town, there is a pressing need for this type of housing.
  • Over 50% open space including allotments, community orchard, outdoor sports pitches, a canalside park and areas for play.
  • 40% biodiversity net gain through retention of existing trees and hedgerow habitats and the creation of new and improved habitats within the canalside park which will be a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) reducing recreational pressure on the Chilterns Beechwoods.
  • Net zero carbon ready – a combination of ‘fabric first’ construction, use of air source heat pump technology and on-site renewable energy production, through the use of solar panels, will significantly reduce carbon emissions. This will ensure Marshcroft contributes to Dacorum’s pledge for its housing stock to be net zero carbon by 2050.
  • A new spine road to link Bulbourne Road to Station Road. We are proposing that Marshcroft Lane will become a pedestrian/cycle route only, while ensuring that people living on Marshcroft Lane will all still be able to access their properties by car.

A hybrid planning application was submitted to Dacorum Borough Council in April 2022. A series of technical reports including on transport, design and access, socio-economic impact, heritage, energy and sustainability and more are included as part of the submitted plans. You can read our summary guide which assists in navigating the submitted documents. These documents can also be viewed on the Dacorum Borough Council planning portal.

Summary Guide

summary guide and planning boundar

Evolution of the masterplan

A public consultation was launched in November 2021 to help inform the emerging vision for Marshcroft. In response to feedback received, some significant changes have been made to the masterplan. We can confirm however, that the same amount of development and open space remains across the proposed development. This includes over 50% of the site as open space. We are still proposing to deliver 1,400 new homes in a range of sizes and tenures, a primary and secondary school, a local centre, sports hub, space for retail and health services and new tree planting and orchards.

The main changes to the illustrative scheme following feedback include:

  • Combining the village centres into one. This was in response to survey feedback and economic analysis that one centre would be more commercially viable and attractive. This consolidated centre would front the main street that runs North-South through the site (detailed on the masterplan).
  • Relocating some homes closer to the Station Road frontage, with properties directly overlooking a new segregated foot/cycleway. This was in response to concerns about security along Station Road, in particular pedestrians told us the route along the road from Tring Station is particularly dark and isolated at night.
  • Widening of the SANG area (suitable alternative natural green space) which runs along the canal  We have also moved the SANG car park to within the site to discourage misuse as overspill parking for Tring station and propose to provide a café for visitors.
  • Moving the housing parcels closer to the existing settlement on the east side of Tring – There remains an area of open space, including allotments in this area, but it was felt that keeping the built form closer to the existing settlement would help it assimilate better into the landscape and integrate with Tring.

The submitted plans for Marshcroft are available on the Dacorum Borough Council planning portal.

Copyright note:
This map is based on material supplied by Her Majesty's Stationary Office © Crown copyright and database rights 2014.
All top down aerial photography is based on material supplied as part of licence agreement between Google Earth and David Lock Associates Ltd.
David Lock Associates, Ryan and May, Redrow and Harrow Estates

Why Marshcroft?

Concept bird's eye view

Marshcroft will:

  • deliver new community facilities – including primary and secondary schools, and healthcare services
  • provide 45% affordable housing including first homes, to meet the pressing local need
  • be designed as a natural extension to Tring with its own distinct character
  • be well-connected to Tring and to the transport network through vehicle accesses on Bulbourne Road and Station Road, and additional pedestrian and cycle routes including a greatly improved link to Tring Station
  • create extensive areas of new formal and informal open space to meet a wide variety of recreational needs for new and existing residents of Tring.

Community benefits

Marshcroft can provide significant benefits beyond new homes and open space, including the following:


school symbol

Primary and secondary school – to serve new and existing families

sport symbol

Sports hub – including indoor sports and recreational facilities, and outdoor sports fields

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Health facility – to be agreed with local health service, but potentially a branch GP surgery

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Community hall – flexible space to be shaped by the community

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New shops – potential to be a mix of retail, restaurants and cafes to serve local people and visitors. The intention is not to compete with Tring town centre

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Outdoor recreational space – a range of open spaces including a park, allotments and outdoor sports facilities will bring new options for the people of Tring to enjoy

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New jobsincluding around 180 jobs supported on-site via education, healthcare, office space, retail and more. Around 140 jobs would be supported through the construction period with many of these for local people

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Provision of a new bus service for Tring connecting the town with the Station

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A new high quality safe pedestrian and cycle route from the town to Tring Station

Why this location?

Land East of Tring has been identified in Dacorum Borough Council’s draft Local Plan as a preferred location to meet the area’s challenging housing needs.

This site can accommodate the largest proportion of the new housing identified for Tring, connecting existing communities with Tring Railway Station.

By enabling greater mobility within the Tring housing market, Marshcroft can help people of all generations to find their new home in the town, whether they are new to the area, younger families wishing to move back to Tring, or older people wishing to downsize but stay in the town.

Marshcroft would help to address challenges within the local housing market, by providing opportunities for those taking their first step onto the housing ladder, offering homes specifically designed and managed for older people, as well as serviced individual plots for people who wish to build their own homes.

Key Design Priorities

Our vision is to deliver a carefully designed, responsive and sustainable community that will seamlessly integrate with Tring providing a range of homes to meet all needs, community facilities and infrastructure within a high quality landscape framework.

landscaping pond

1) A landscape-led masterplan
With a network of high quality green and blue (water) infrastructure across the site.

open space

2) Good connections to existing community
Safe, attractive, landscaped and direct routes.


3) Encourage non-vehicular travel
Provide a segregated cycle lane on Station Road.

tring station sign

4) Good public transport
Provide a bus route through Marshcroft.


5) Variety of housing types and tenures for all.

children playing football

6) Mixed uses
New community facilities, health services, sports facilities, primary and secondary schools, local shops, community and workspace.


7) Extensive new parklands, allotments, orchards and new ‘country park’

existing landscaping

8) Enhance existing landscape with substantial new tree planting
Enhance biodiversity.

lakeside homes

9) Sensitive design

surface water

10) Control and utilise surface water
Including sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS).

electric car charger

11) Future-proof to address climate change

detached houses

12) High-quality design



Summary of proposals

  • 1,400 new homes

  • New primary & secondary schools

  • Health services

  • New parklands and meadows

  • Tree planting and orchards

  • Sports facilities

  • Allotments

  • Cycle routes

  • Bus services

  • Electric vehicle charging points

  • SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces)

Copyright note:
This map is based on material supplied by Her Majesty's Stationary Office © Crown copyright and database rights 2014.
All top down aerial photography is based on material supplied as part of licence agreement between Google Earth and David Lock Associates Ltd.

Connecting Communities

Marshcroft has been designed with a landscape-driven approach which respects the unique character and distinctiveness of the area, using a network of high-quality green and blue infrastructure to link the new community to Tring and the surrounding rural areas.

A new bus service for Tring

A bus service will provide a sustainable travel option for residents. The primary street connection within Marshcroft which links Station Road in the south to Bulbourne Road in the north will provide a new bus route. Stops will be located along this route at appropriate locations to achieve good walkability and accessibility to the service.

Proposed bus stops will be located at key locations within the development, typically where communal facilities and amenities and open space interface with the primary street.

The below plan shows how a potential bus service serving wider Tring, connecting the town centre and High Street to Tring train station, via Marshcroft might be delivered.

Proposed bus route

Wider / other connections

Wider / other connections

The Station Road Corridor

Marshcroft provides enhanced connectivity to Tring railway station through the provision of new foot and cycle ways which are segregated from the vehicular corridor of Station Road. These active travel routes are proposed to be routed along the development frontage as part of a safe and secure corridor benefiting the residents of wider Tring as well as Marshcroft.

This important connection will improve connectivity between existing Tring and Tring railway station, encouraging walking and cycling. This green corridor will be enhanced with management of lower-level vegetation to maintain visual permeability. New tree planting will provide a successional tree structure providing long-term resilience for the treed character of Station Road.

A key concern raised during the public consultation was that Station Road felt unsafe especially outside of daylight hours. The submitted Marshcroft plans address this issue by relocating homes closer to Station Road to act as passive surveillance, as well as new segregated foot and cycle ways.

The below maps show how Marshcroft will improve connectivity and safety along the Station Road corridor.

Station Road Corridor Plan


Marshcroft can respond to the climate change emergency, by delivering a biodiversity net gain of at least 40% and promoting sustainable living.

Our approach is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to achieve a better global future by addressing key social and environmental challenges including health and wellbeing.

Environmental features of Marshcroft include:

houses symbol

New housing built to modern environmental and energy efficiency standards with PhotoVoltaic Cells

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Natural environment at the heart of the proposals

tree symbol

Retain existing hedgerows and trees, plus new planting

allotments symbol

Provision of community allotments and orchards

drain symbol

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

cycle symbol

Attractive new cycle and pedestrian routes

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Enhanced public transport offer

electric car point symbol

Electric Vehicle Charging Points

green space ponds
footpath cycleway

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have you submitted a planning application ahead of the adoption of the Dacorum Local Plan?

This site is allocated for development in the draft Local Plan. Dacorum Council’s Local Plan may not be adopted for several years yet, despite the desperate need for new homes in Tring and surrounding area. Large-scale planned new development is essential to deliver the homes required and wider community benefits such as new primary and secondary schools, affordable homes and more.

What will homes look like?

We are proposing that Marshcroft will be developed in a way which is distinctive and modern, but in keeping with development elsewhere in Tring. The planning application does not set out what the houses will look like in detail at this stage. However, lots of work has been done on developing a masterplan and overarching design framework which is included in the planning application.

How can I comment on the planning application?

You can view the submitted planning documents by visiting Dacorum Borough Council’s planning portal. You can then comment on the plans, but if you have any questions or concerns about the plans, please contact who would be happy to discuss and clarify.

What is the process?

Dacorum Borough Council consulted on a draft of their Local Plan from November 2020 to February 2021. That consultation was undertaken under ‘Regulation 18’ of the Local Plan-making stages, falling within the ‘plan preparation’ stage and was not a final plan. It identified preferred site allocations for development including the land East of Tring.

At a Cabinet meeting on 27th July councillors decided to defer publication of a final plan and undertake further research and hold a further ‘Regulation 18’ consultation, prior to preparing a final plan for submission to Government.

There is currently no timescale for this work to take place.

Once a ‘final plan’ has been prepared, the plan will be examined by an independent Local Plan Inspector, who will review the work and provide comments back to the Council. The examination of the plan will take place in public, providing further opportunity for the community to make comments.

Once the Inspector’s report has been issued, the final, examined, version of the Local Plan will be voted on by the whole Council who will decide whether to ‘adopt’ it for implementation.

Is Marshcroft in the draft Local Plan?

The current draft Local Plan identifies Land East of Tring as suitable for development as a sustainable expansion of the town. This consists of two sites – New Mill (known as Tr02) and East of Tring (Tr03) – Marshcroft is site Tr03 only, although the draft plan currently indicates that the Council would like to see both sites considered under a single, integrated masterplan.

Dacorum Council’s draft Local Plan identifies the Marshcroft site as suitable for around 1,400 new homes, health and community facilities, schools, sports hub and open space.

Are you providing new schools?

Yes. Marshcroft has been designed to include both a new primary school and a new secondary school, set in their own grounds.

What health services will be built?

We have made provision for new community health facilities within the plans. The details of precisely what is required to serve the community will be the subject of future discussions with Dacorum Council and the local clinical commissioning group.

What sports facilities will you provide?

We have suggested that new sports facilities are located at the heart of the new community, off Marshcroft Lane. Our masterplan shows how pitches of various sizes can be accommodated, but we have no predetermined view of what should be provided. We are keen to work with community sports groups to understand what is needed locally.

There is flexibility within the plans to provide sports facilities within the schools, which potentially could also be used by the community when the schools aren’t using them.

Are you providing any new roads and road improvements elsewhere?

We will provide new accesses into the Marshcroft from the existing highway network from Bulbourne Road and Station Road. Cycle routes and a new bus service are also proposed.

The submitted planning application for Marshcroft includes a detailed Transport Assessment which considers all transport means and impact on local roads. This Assessment will be thoroughly scrutinised by Hertfordshire County Highways who will make their own recommendations to Dacorum Borough Council as part of the planning process.

Are you using any existing roads, like Marshcroft Lane, to access the site?

We expect that the accesses will be from Station Road and Bulbourne Road only. We envisage Marshcroft Lane being a green cycle and pedestrian route only providing safe connections between Tring and the new community.

Will Marshcroft include sustainable travel connections?

Yes, a key part of Marshcroft’s design is centred around maximising direct, attractive and safe footpaths and cycle ways. This will allow people to travel sustainably through the site and between Tring and the Railway Station.


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Harrow Estates

About us

Harrow Estates is part of the Redrow Group. We specialise in bringing forward strategic land development, focusing on creating well—planned, sustainable new communities.

Harrow Estates has significant experience of developing Garden Villages, a concept that we have championed in many of the larger scale projects we have delivered.


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